Case Study

The image above will take you to the case study. This case study was completed before a redesign was started. The idea in this case study was to determine the depth of change necessary and to give evidence to the need for a redesign.

iLove Brand Wireframe

The image to the left will take you to the iLove Brand wirefram. This is high fidelity wireframe done for the project. The layout and functionality remained nearly unchanged in the prototype. The layout had a few changes made, however this file was the one approved. It shows the beginning of the project where the prototype represents what the final project would look like.


iLove Brand Prototype

The image to the left will take you to the iLove Brand prototype. This is the final stage of the redesign in this project. The design was not changed or used from this stage. This project was a redesign in which I did a case study and made suggestions to the active brand designer. After creating the prototype, this designer decided to do her own design changes and thus it never went to production. The button below will take you to the prototype link.